you work overtime and struggle with work-life balance?

Your email account is overflowing!

Too many meetings, not enough time for real work!

Work keeps you busy & stressed all the time!

You can't seem to reach the next step in your career path!

Stress with your partner and your children!

>> Get Your Shit Done & Take Your Life Back <<

(This Is A Different Approach To What Other People Are Telling You To Do)


"If I am the captain of my life ship, then Miriam was and is the indispensable pilot for me. She has always helped me to steer past many shallows on my way through dangerous waters. When I got disoriented, she showed me ways to get back on the right course and stay on it. She never took the helm, but rather showed me how I can steer my ship myself. Thanks!"

"Whenever Markus and I meet for a coaching session, this time is pure inspiration and gives me noticeable courage to work on myself and for personal growth. In my inner dealings with myself, I can become more loving bit by bit and accept setbacks and mistakes increasingly positively and gratefully. Each coaching is highly individual and follows my current needs and everyday challenges, which Markus always recognizes very empathetically."

"... my life has changed completely for the better. ... make you the best version of yourself through targeted inner work."

Your Coaches


Miriam is a Change Angle and Performance Coach. Miriam combines inner work and personality development with scientific down-to-earthness. With a variety of intuitive tools, she can be your fast track guide to a powerful leader role within your life and business.


Markus is a Transformation and Leadership coach. He is an expert in leading high-performance teams and combines the power of human centricity, technology, strategy and processes.

Some Background

Listen to our short podcast episode to understand what we aim for when talking about "Get your Sh*t Done in 4 Work-Days".

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